Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Academy of Art University, Class of 2010

Imagine a room the size of a soccer field crammed with graduates poking each other in the eye with sharp cornered hats. The invite said the commencement ceremonies were supposed to start at 9:30am SHARP! We stood there like lemmings for 2.5 hours:

Here's the main event setting:

The MFA banner I walked in behind:

Doin' the perp walk:

Monday, May 24, 2010

About a third of the armor...

Created this armor with high res methods today....I'm doing it this way so the edges stay tight in zbrush and I won't lose any volume when I subdivide.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

ART TEST!!! It's's sooo on...

I was given an art test last week by a local game company. I'm working on it at night from roughly 8pm to logging on to the Academy and seeing what my students are up to. I usually get around 3 or 4 questions a day so I answer those and then get busy with this character.

This is the female base form that goes underneath the armor. The game company in question would probably not appreciate me posting the concept art so WHAT I'm doing will have to remain under wraps. I'll describe the HOW instead.

About four evenings x four hours = 16 hours = two business days to model this. It's far too high poly right now...but I'm going to finish the modeling/sculpting and then dial down the triangles once I'm done with zbrush.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Caucasian sculpt

This is a sculpt for a garden variety, Caucasian, sporto-type. I sculpted the head in less than a day...about six hours. The pants and shirt took a full day.